35+ Non-Americans Are Sharing What They Admire About Americans, & It’s Surprisingly Wholesome

This article appeared in Bigglobaltravel and has been published here with permission.

It’s safe to say that America is one of the most diverse countries out there. However, as a culture, Americans can sometimes seem arrogant and loud — which foreigners may find off-putting. As a change of pace, these are some of the times non-Americans came forward with their appreciation post for the land and its people. Keep scrolling…

Grades Aren’t Everything

Inspiration comes in many forms. Perhaps a big source of motivation for school and college students would be that grades aren’t everything. In the real world, your skills and capability will matter more. Think of all the successful school and college dropouts who went onto become extremely successful in their fields.

Grades Aren’t Everything

While this is possible in the Western side of the world, the opposite end is heavily reliant on grades. This puts immense pressure on the students to always keep their scores up, forgetting the value of real-life experience.

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech is one of the most basic civil rights. The residents of a country should be free to criticize the government if they find the need to do so. However, the scenario is vastly different for autocratic and/or developing countries.

Freedom of Speech

People cannot really say whatever they want without the fear of the law system appearing at their doorstep for insulting the authoritative figure. The FBI Agent meme is surely funny but they won’t show up at your doorstep if you curse the government.

Essentials That Are Free

Water is essential for life, so it’s disappointing that not every country in the world provides it for free. In America, you will find drinking fountains around every corner to quench the thirst of the parched.

Essentials That Are Free

There are also public toilets, which are situated in frequent intervals to keep people and the environment healthy. Tourists absolutely love these facilities as they usually don’t know who to approach when the call of nature is too strong and there’s no toilet nearby.

Free Elixir of Life

Elixir of life sounds pretty complicated, right? It’s water — water is known as the elixir of life. In the USA, you aren’t expected to pay for water. This is the case for many other countries but for residents of nations where you have to purchase a glass of water everywhere, this can come off as a big shock.

Free Elixir of Life

Many would argue that something as indispensable for life-like water should be made free worldwide but that’s a debate for another day. Foreigners high-key appreciate how locals never charge for water.

Better Artificial Flavors

It’s safe to say that America is home to some of the biggest flavor makers out there. Who hasn’t heard of Cheetos, Doritos, Cheerios, or Pillsbury? Americans are big on snacks and junk food, which has streamlined the production and development of artificial flavors over the years.

Better Artificial Flavors

Right now, a few of them would even give the original a run for its money. Is that a good sign? Perhaps not, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that the USA’s artificial flavors are hard to beat.

Gregarious and Warm

Americans are known for their friendly and sociable nature. In comparison to countries like Canada or Japan, where the people are considered to be much more reserved, the locals of the US generally have this happy-go-lucky personality.

Gregarious and Warm

A Redditor shares that the majority of positive experiences they have had were with American tourists. The tourists would strike up a conversation and know how to hold it. At the end of the day, the OP shared some really nice moments with them.

How to Fix That?

A European Redditor praises Americans for their resolute personalities. The person says that the people of the USA have a solver’s mentality. This might be due to the fact that every American has a founding principle ingrained in their head telling them that, if they want something, they will have to work for it as no one will hand it to them.

How to Fix That?

According to another Redditor, the motto of Americans should be “E Pluribus Unum,” which translates to “If you’re going to be dumb, you must be tough.”

The Changing Landscape

America is every other tourist’s dream destination. With thousands of important landmarks and beautiful scenery waiting on every corner, the land offers much more than anyone can put into words. For instance, thanks to the great diversity in nature, the scenery transitions from lush forests to cracked wasteland as you put more miles behind you.

The Changing Landscape

It truly is a treat to the eyes. California’s primary landscape is based on huge fertile valleys and mountain ranges whereas Texas is a land of canyons, plains, plateaus, and extinct volcanoes too!

Welcome to the USA

You know it’s genuine when the validation comes from Canada. Known for their gentle and courteous nature, Canadians can be too polite for their own good. A Canadian Redditor says that, out of the many countries they have visited, very few have welcomed them the way America does.

Welcome to the USA

It’s true — Americans are generally very hospitable people. The OP said that they feel like they will always be welcomed to America with a free piece of pie at a cozy diner in some corner of the country.

Best Road Trip Country

If you have an unhealthy obsession with road trips, it won’t get better than the US. America is connected from one end to the other by highways, narrow routes, and roads with endless stories. Here’s a Redditor who can’t get enough of road tripping around America.

Best Road Trip Country

They prefer not to visit by plane as that way, they get to experience more stops and incredible locals. You would be amazed by how many treasures America has hidden in its nooks and crannies just waiting to be explored.

A Land of Diversity

A true melting pot of cultures, America is home to people from all over the world. You can find almost any ethnicity, background, or religion that calls the US their home. Along with these fantastic people, they bring cultures from all across the globe.

A Land of Diversity

Over the years, this enriched American cuisine, history, and arts like never before. There are countries like Germany and Britain that are home to millions of immigrants as well but nothing really matches up to the USA in this department.

A Bunch of Friendly Folks

Locals and non-Americans alike could hold a debate for hours over which state is the friendliest — and for good reason. Locals of every state are typically welcoming to an extent but there are some that stand out due to their kindness.

A Bunch of Friendly Folks

For example, the term “Minnesota nice” is too true. Even in the bitterly cold weather, these people will warm your heart with their politeness. Hawaiians welcome everyone with open arms. This Redditor thinks the people of LA, Chicago, Atlanta, and Alaska are the nicest of the bunch.

King’s Hawaiian Sweet Rolls

You know that one snack that you so dearly miss from a country you once visited? For many tourists, that would be King’s Hawaiian Sweet Rolls. These delicious dinner rolls are so soft and fluffy that they will literally melt in your mouth.

King’s Hawaiian Sweet Rolls

Add to that a tinge of sweetness and you get something that will have you hooked for life! They are perfect for making sliders but we doubt you will be able to wait that long after you tear open a package.

Take the Leftovers

An American who just moved to any European country might be in for one of the biggest cultural shocks of all time! If you ask the server to pack up your remaining food, they may agree begrudgingly or turn you down completely. In America, leftovers are a big part of diets.

Take the Leftovers

The hustle life doesn’t let busy adults cook meals or go out to eat all that often, so it’s convenient to have leftovers in the fridge that can be thrown in the microwave a minute before digging in.

Nothing But a Hobbit

Much like their portion sizes, everything in America is big. That means bigger mountains, forests, and parks. It also means bigger calamities and horizons. However, with years of experience under their belt, locals have grown accustomed to weathering every storm with a neutral expression.

Nothing But a Hobbit

The Redditor comments about how the large scale made them feel like a mute spectator to all the events. It’s normal to feel intimidated by the true American spirit that motivates people to fight alligators or camp in the middle of a dense forest.

Nation of Extraverted Extroverts

America is the perfect place for extroverts. It would be somewhat stereotypical to label every American as an extrovert but the notion originates from their amicable nature. You could blindfold 20 people, nullify their accents, and bring them into a room.

Nation of Extraverted Extroverts

It would be super easy to identify the Americans as they would be the ones to say hello first and strike up a conversation. It’s second nature to be able to effortlessly hold a conversation with a stranger as if they have known the person for decades.

Expressing Feelings Through Words

People across the world vary in forms of expression. Asians are normally the kind to hide their feelings to protect the other person’s emotions, which often leads to them not being able to express themselves properly. However, not Americans.

Expressing Feelings Through Words

With stellar verbal communication skills, locals could break down any incident for you in the most lucid language. The commenter is an Australian and their “yeah, nah” narrative is almost painfully accurate. The world could be falling apart in front of them and Australians would label it as “pretty bad.”

Pop Culture References

Perhaps the one thing that introduced many of the non-Americans to this wonderful land was the entertainment industry. Hollywood has become the flagbearer of the movie world and American films are literally everywhere. The silver screen isn’t lagging either, with many award-winning shows and sitcoms winning hearts worldwide.

Pop Culture References

Even if you don’t particularly like Americans, you can agree that their filmmaking skills are unprecedented. There’s such a huge variety when it comes to TV and movies that anyone will find at least one item to suit their taste.

Free Entry Into Museums

Of the many free things that you can enjoy in the US, museums are an important mention. Sadly, Gen-Z isn’t very curious about history from a physical perspective but these places are truly incredible. They hold ancient tales of heritage, age-old traditions and cultures, and stories of the people.

Free Entry Into Museums

You can walk around the Smithsonian Museums for free. Keep in mind that not all of the museums are free. Although generally funded by tax money, free museums have a donation box on the way in. Feel free to support local history.

Thousands of Parks

The US National Park System comprises 423 national park sites spread across the country. With an area larger than 84 million acres, these parks can be found in every state and its nearby territories. Some locals foster a hobby of just visiting parks in their free time.

Thousands of Parks

You could enjoy a nice picnic, appreciate the scenery, or even watch birds through binoculars. The Grand Canyon, the Petrified Forest, Mesa Verde, Yellowstone, Bryce Canyon, Crater Lake, and the Big Bend are some of the must-visits according to locals.

For the Lovers of Nature

Being the heavily industrialized nation it is, America has lost the lion’s share of its natural greenery to infrastructure. However, the southern zones still boast beautiful greenery that will make you feel one with Mother Nature. Mountains, valleys, forests, waterfalls, and more, nature is an integral part of the US.

For the Lovers of Nature

There are also areas that are completely untouched by civilization — you won’t hear traffic for miles! Nature lovers will adore Idaho! The breathtaking Sawtooth range, mesmerizing Salmon river, and the lively wilderness of Frank Church are just a few of the state’s specialties.

Any Climate You Want

You don’t need a passport to visit pretty much every climate when you’re an American. The country is so big that almost all kinds of weather co-exist here. Granted, a surprising percentage of Americans don’t leave their home state in their lives, but it’s always within their grasp.

Any Climate You Want

Take the example of Southern California. Make a proper plan and you ski in the soft morning light, ride ATVs through the rough desert in the afternoon, and catch some waves in the evening. That’s like a dedicated vacation itinerary.

A Huge Landmass

America is big — like 9.8 million km² big. Apart from the huge population it entails, the country is absolutely gigantic and proposes many exciting opportunities. For starters, there’s a reason travelers love the US for road trips. It would take you about 45 hours to drive from one coast to another.

A Huge Landmass

Experts say that you need at least three months to visit all 48 continental states properly. There’s so much to see and experience in America. If you’re a local, consider touring the entire country first before venturing abroad.

Flora and Fauna

An American would find the wildlife completely normal but the rest of the world doesn’t. Newsflash — knowing there are bobcats and deer running around in the forest behind the house isn’t natural to most. Again, for heavily populated areas, this isn’t applicable.

Flora and Fauna

However, in the suburbs where forests still exist and people like to leave the fauna alone, it flourishes. The average American remembers seeing squirrels, opossums, raccoons, or elks playing in the nearby grasslands. This also helps them stay connected to nature — something much needed.

Music, Arts, and More

Music is a defining part of American culture. Spanning across different states, there’s always something common connecting people — the arts. The arts might be in the form of music, sports, and more. When it comes to music, melodies and talented musicians are America’s assets.

Music, Arts, and More

Jazz musicians like Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald, pioneers of rhythm and blues like W.C. Handy and Son House, and rock and roll legends such as Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley forever changed the music industry. Such tunes have been incorporated into other musical genres.

Delectable American Cuisine

Head empty, just cornbread. For most Americans, cornbread is a portion of everyday food. It can be found everywhere — from fancy brunches to food carts on a street. This quick bread is made with cornmeal and originates from Southern US or Native American cuisine.

Delectable American Cuisine

Over the years, chefs have gotten really creative with their use of cornbread. It’s used in all sorts of sour and sweet recipes like sliders, pies, puddings, and more. It’s pretty easy to make but one particular Redditor can’t forget the taste of local cornbread.

A Drive Through for Everything

The 21st century is all about molding life into its most convenient form. We can even buy egg whites separately from the egg yolks now. Americans are obsessed with drive-throughs. With their busy nine-to-five lifestyles, many of the locals don’t have enough time to dine in.

A Drive Through for Everything

Instead, they opt for drive-throughs. It’s fast, simple, and saves so much time. Non-Americans are impressed with the drive-through aspects of regular life. Ranging from drive-through restaurants to banks, gas stations, and pharmacies, expect to see everything here.

Greater Diversity in Grocery

Tourists love American grocery stores. The shelves are always stocked with a wide array of goods. Everything seems to come in multiple forms and flavors to suit the various needs of individual digestive tracts. Sugar-free isn’t just an ingredient without the saccharine; it’s available in 20 different forms.

Greater Diversity in Grocery

If you have special dietary restrictions, you should be able to find the necessities in your local Target. A classic example of diversified food would be the many types of non-dairy milk — soy, almond, coconut, cashew, or even oat milk.

Food Glorious Food

Food in America is an exquisite amalgamation of the many different cuisines around the world. Every state has its choice of the “signature” food, and for the South, it’s undoubtedly meat and barbecue. It’s not just limited to a piece of meat cooked over a charcoal flame.

Food Glorious Food

BBQ styles vary from state to state. In most states, there’s a story associated with their choice of barbecue. Not only do these styles follow the different cuisines brought in by numerous settlers, but also the foods that were accepted by the population.

Availability of Items

You name it and America probably has it. Another advantage of being a huge nation — the sizable manpower. Thanks to the available land and opportunities, almost everything is made in America, making goods and services readily accessible to the general people.

Availability of Items

What’s termed as “drugstore” goods (cheap items) in America could actually be rather expensive in other parts of the world. Add in the shipping charges and availability becomes an annoying issue. Beauty and skincare are two items that are luxuries in many countries but regular goods for Americans.

One Entree Equals Two Meals

It’s not uncommon to see a tourist struggling to finish a meal in the US. A big nation with big portion sizes, America doesn’t believe in small bites. Most meals are hearty and will be more than enough for the average person.

One Entree Equals Two Meals

Many get overwhelmed as they’re not used to eating so much or getting served that much in their home country. There isn’t much to complain about considering you can take home the leftovers and enjoy the remaining meal sometime later.

Alliance of States

For Americans and non-Americans alike, the different states might feel like entirely different countries. You would understand that better if you traveled to each state and experienced the variation in cultures and law. However, did you know that the contrast was a part of the original idea?

Alliance of States

The founders of America didn’t view themselves as American. They saw each other by whatever state they belonged from. At the start, the country was similar to a military or economic alliance, which led to the first government implementing the Articles of Confederation.

I Love NY

This Redditor is the kind of person to stock up on 30 “I Love NY” shirts from the stand near the Statue of Liberty to distribute between their family and friends. It might be the hot dogs, the locals’ friendliness, the glamor of Hollywood, American’s love of wakeboarding, or Long Island Iced Tea — but this OP knows that they love the country.

I Love NY

If you want to have your mind blown, stop by Joe’s Stone Crab or Kermit’s Key West Key Lime Shoppe in Florida for a slice of tangy, creamy goodness.

Power of TV and Films

Nothing quite influences your life like the screen. TV and movies have taught people new languages, introduced them to cultures, and ultimately brought individuals of similar tastes together. The power and quality of Hollywood’s movie and TV industry are massive.

Power of TV and Films

These works have transcended the boundaries of what could be done and asked one question, “What more can be done?” Just think of entire generations influenced by franchises like Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and MCU. Dreams and fantasies were realized through clips.

You’re Special to Us

If there’s one effect Americans will have on you, it’s making you feel special. This isn’t much work for them because that’s how they naturally are — smooth talkers (not everyone, sadly)! They know how to start and steer a conversation, which would be a stuttering point for other nationalities.

You’re Special to Us

Moreover, they also seem to have an interest in whatever they’re hearing about; doesn’t matter if it borders on fakeness sometimes. If small talk was an Olympic sport, Americans would be the undisputed champions.

Has Their Priorities Straight

Here’s one person who has their priorities straight. Disregard all the other world-renowned dishes and delicacies America has to offer; lose yourself in the crispy texture and tangy flavor of Fruity Pebbles. This beloved cereal is a breakfast staple across the nation.

Has Their Priorities Straight

The colorful pebbles of flavor pop in your mouth with equal doses of sweet and acidic. What’s great is that the flavors complement each other perfectly, tasting heavenly with a little milk. Once you taste it, you can’t forget.

Feel the Adrenaline

Are you an adrenaline junkie who could never get enough of roller coasters and drop rides? You will love America! Filled with amusement parks and entertainment centers of all shapes and sizes, the country is your supplier of the most enjoyable intoxicant in the world — adrenaline.

Feel the Adrenaline

The biggest roller coaster in the world, Kingda Ka, stands at a proud 456 feet tall. You’ll find that at the Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey. Seven out of the 10 tallest roller coasters in the world are located in America.

Try Again

Every year, thousands of people move to the US with a dream of making something of themselves. The land of opportunities beckons people with a dream — entrepreneurs who want to make a mark for themselves. However, with the high number of new businesses spawning here and there, failure is a natural part of the process.

Try Again

In America, failure is considered a stepping stone towards success. Locals view it as a natural part of the process. Unfortunately, in many other parts of the world, people aren’t so forgiving of failure.

Endless Academic Opportunities

America boasts a world-class academic system with many named under the “Best of the best” lists. Forget Ivy League schools — the entire education system has a robust backbone that promotes creative thinking in students.

Endless Academic Opportunities

No wonder the country attracts talented minds from around the globe. Since there are people from different fields, there’s also a need for them in various job sectors. There isn’t a major in the world that America doesn’t have a need for. You just have to be lucky enough to find a fit.

Open to Ideas

Nothing seems to be taboo in America. This can be both a good and bad thing. In a positive way, individuals are welcome to share whatever they’re feeling, regardless of how complex their thoughts may be. The average American, if not open-minded, will not judge hard enough to make the other person uncomfortable.

Open to Ideas

People from all walks of life coexist and respect each other’s opinions and interests. In some of the more conservative countries, openly talking about specific topics isn’t socially acceptable. Hobbies are more homogenous, too.

America’s Hidden Gems

If you’re in America, you have to go to Walmart. It’s nothing over the top but these supermarkets stock everything — from A to Z. Everything is generally cheap so you could purchase goods in bulk if needed. One item we couldn’t do without is Walmart’s giant ice-cream buckets.

America’s Hidden Gems

Round of applause to whoever came up with the idea of selling ice cream by the bucket. These treats are generally a single flavor but it’s fine because they’re shockingly affordable. Scorching heat? Bad breakup? A night in with the friends? Ice-cream!

The Holiday Spirit

America is a nation that truly understands and is involved in the “Holiday Spirit.” The country is big on holidays; it doesn’t matter which religion or culture. People celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with as much zeal as they celebrate Halloween.

The Holiday Spirit

Tourists visiting during the holiday period are likely to get smothered by the crowd, but we would say it’s worth it. The busy hours don’t hold a candle to the genuine excitement in locals’ hearts. It’s wholesome to watch and celebrate. You’ll never feel alone!

Spread Out Infrastructure

A lot of America’s biggest corporations had humble starts. These companies hail from small towns and cities. The infrastructure is spread across the country instead of being clustered in two or three main locations.

Spread Out Infrastructure

Massive multinational companies are headquartered in home states, no matter how remote they might be. In countries like Australia, the population is concentrated in a few big cities and this is where the business has to be set up for it to thrive. Americans value their roots so they like to stay close to their origins.

Knowing Who They Are

We all know about how confident Americans generally are. This could be irritating at times but for the most part, their strong sense of individualism manifests into something greater. They become more honest, self-aware, and selfless.

Knowing Who They Are

It’s almost as if once they know who they are and where they have to be, they free up space around them to help others grow. These kind souls have their life together and will try to help you with yours. This is except for all the corporate and political competition, of course.

Adults in Charge

By its very nature, a first-world country will provide great benefits for its citizens. When you’re living in a third-world country, the situation is completely different. Opportunities that Americans can get at 18 would be handed to the third world country’s youth by the time they are well into their 20s.

Adults in Charge

Americans can move out and get a house after they’re 18 whereas in the other case, it’s normal to stay dependent on the parents till graduation, sometimes even longer.